Love Danya. Favourite chess person by miles. But he simultaneously makes me feel smarter and more stupid. When he says “I know a lot of you are tempted by…….” Yup. Every damn time. Keep doing what you do, D. Can’t thank you enough. It’s mad that this is freely available.
Wow, very helpful long-range plan. Run the a-pawn, which explains why it's ...Rfc8 and not ...Rac8. And maybe ...Bf6 gets an exclamation point! It defends the e7 pawn, it gives air to the king, and it controls the a1 square, creating the possibility of running the a-pawn up the board. I love clean and direct long-term plans like that, because often I'm confused in the middlegame (there being so many moves).
I used to watch these 1700+ videos and would feel completely lost. But just recently I've began to understand them and what a treat it is! We've made it boys.
been playing the accelerated because of the speedrun and I was very excited with how many of Danya's ideas I found in this game. It feels like I'm absorbing the Danya-isms and I will eventually be able to predict every word of the speedrun videos as I watch
Danya, I play the hyper-accelerated dragon and have always had bad positions against the Maroczy bind. I followed your plan and got a winning advantage against a higher rater player (and ended up drawing in time pressure). Thanks for the instructional videos!
I have been playing chess for 22 years but my understanding of chess is improving more faster than before in the last couple of months because of Danya’s speedruns. That is why he is the best Sensei ever!
🎶 Inspired by 31:31 and 31:45: (to the tune of "I'll make a man out of you" from Mulan) 🎶 Let's get down to business And play rook C2 Did they send me bishops When I asked for pawns? It's the saddest board I've ever seen But I bet before we're through That I'll make a GM OUT OF YOUUUUUUUU! Tranquil as the opening But we've found a pin Once you claim the center You are sure to win! You miss tactics and are hanging pawns And you haven't got a clue. But I'll make a GM OUT OF YOUUUUUUUU! Pawns are storming towards us And we're down a knight But watch my every video And you might survive. [men] WE LEARN CHESS We must be swift as the jumping horseys [men] WE LEARN CHESS With all the force of a bishop sac [men] WE LEARN CHESS With all the strength of kingside pawn storm Mysterious as the dark squares on THE BOAAAAAARD! 🎶
--editor here. yea man, im trying to find better transcripts but its really hard to get chess moves and names of chess openings accurately. it would be like a whole extra 1.5 hours to correct it all. I used a diff ai transcription thing this time but they all seem to struggle with this. hopefully its good enough.
@@ClydeBarber it's way better than the auto captions, it gets the name of pieces and squares right. As you said its not perfect, but I think the average viewer can understand the meaning of the sentence even when they don't work properly
At 4:26, I think White gives Black what he wants by playing O-O?! (too early for this move, IMO) followed by Be3. White can be happy with his position if he gets Be3 in, making room for the queen to move to d2 when the Black bishop is fianchettoed. So defer O-O and play Be3 instead; then after Black plays ...Bg7 play Qd2. Now if Black plays Ng4, White can play Bxg4, trading the less useful bishop for the knight, or simply move the bishop under attack, e.g. Bf4. The point is, there is no reason to rush O-O - it can be played after more important matters have been dealt with.
The accelerated dragon defense speed run with Danya has been amazing! There is an old video with GM Yasser Serawan on this defense for anyone looking for additional info, and he kind of reminds me of the Bob Ross of chess. Its very chill.
This series is so so good. I subbed to your twitch the other day. This is 10/10 content, thank you for making this available online, you're a beast Danya.
I never watch twitch so I couldn't understand how I had seen this before, but I caught your stream for the first time some days ago lol and this was the game played on stream. I was about to chalk it up to Deja vu.
My coach taught me that opposite coloured bishop positions shouldn't be thought of as "drawn" but rather as positions with counterplay. That is, material is not as relevant, either because of an attack when there are heavy pieces on the board, or because of a fortress in their absence
Man i just love the Speedrun videos soo much. For me you could just do another Speedrun right after. Maybe with diffrent opening suggestions tho. Pla keep it up
The fun thing about this setup is that even after c4 you can still transition into a lot of systems. ...e5 for the Kalashnikov for instance! It could be very nice against the Maroczy. It has a lot of the same ideas as this sideline, with the idea to still go Nf6 and Bg7 anyway.
Danya , will there be a endgame bishop video? I hope so , I can play opposite color bishop endgames easily but I was wondering about same color bishop endgames, I am currently reading a book "Supremacy of the bishop pair" so it would help me out a LOT
Just a little sidenote on move order:if you play d6 first before Nxd4 there is a nasty Ng4 if white plays Be3.If he avoids the trap with f3 or Be2 then you can still transpose the line with Nxd4 and Bg7.
I play the accelerated dragon but never know what to do against the maroczy bind. I end up pushing some pawns to the sixth rank followed by resigning. Nice to learn some plans to play with.
I hate it! I play both the Grunfeld and the Fantasy variation in the Caro-Kann and recently Danya put a spotlight on both of them which is likely to cause opponents to become increasingly familiar with them...
That's out of fashion in current era as far as classical time control is concerned. GMs who choose the Sicilian are far more likely to play the Najdorf or Sveshnikov in serious classical tournament games. Black's outcomes with the accelerated Dragon (or any Dragon for that matter) in general at master level is pretty dismal. You will see white winning a big chunk, draws an even bigger chunk, and black wins like 10-15%. Given you don't choose the Sicilian as black if you want to go for a draw, it's not popular.
@stoutlager6325 I think you are overstating how unplayable it is, in a classical tournament iirc it is fine, probably not the best option to play, but completely playable, and it is fine to allow the maroczy
allowing the Maroczy used to be deemed a mistake, but with more theory developments it's actually fine to allow and black gets enough play (maybe not in the accelerated dragon though)
the funny thing is that variations will probably never get named after people anymore because its all suggested by stokfish now. only slightly dubious moves maybe will. all the old people got the glory and even if maroczy didnt develop his ideas stockfish would have taken his place
Some modern players have openings named after them, i think the bigger problem than stockfish is that most of the good lines are just taken now, so if you want something named now it would probably be fairly obscure by default, and thus probably dubious like you said
Hey Daniel, loving your videos! Quick question: In many occasions you refer to your "opening bible", but I can not remember if you have ever said which book you are referring to. I am looking for an opening bible covering "all" openings a little, so I would be very happy if you shared either the name of your book or any alternatives. Thanks for the great content, have a wonderful day! :)
I've recently started playing Sicilian Defense but its so hard to get a different variations than the Old Sicilian Defense variation. Its always what happened in my games, but I've studied the opening a lot and played it pretty much always every time I get the chance to get better at it. I'm only 1100 rated player, playing chess for fun while also challenging myself to reach 1500 someday. Always appreciate a Sicilian Defense videos, always helpful to me.
Try the Najdorf or Taimanov. Most white players at that level will short castle but every now and then you'll face off against a true Sicilian Chad who likes it spicy.
@@Tacos4brekky taimanov is a good recomendation but najdorf might be the least practical opening if you are not gonna study for months , white has like 15-20 different moves even at the starting position of the najdorf
@@efemetin5593 i agree, najdorf is hard for beginners and at intermediate level. Even after reading multiple books you are likely to lose if you forget the move order
Wow just this friday I was preparing some openings and stumbled upon (almost) the same idea in this video:видео.html They play it with d6 first instead of Nxd4, but I think both moves are likely to transpose. It looks like a very interesting opening for black!
Hey Danya how do I get in touch with you for lessons?I live about 3 hrs away and I am not a rich person, I have heard that your lessons are thousands of dollars,I hope this isn't so, also if it is,I hope you can offer assistance to someone closer to me, for a cheaper price
I think that the best games are the ones you loose. You are undoubtedly a excellent teacher and player but if you are going for instructional, i think that you should only show games that you loose at high level and explain why.
I never knew that. Can't listen to Hikaru because his voice gives me that fingernails-on-chalkboard feeling, and I hate watching him chew his dinner like an open-mouthed toddler. He's probably really good at chess, but his chess streaming is painful to watch.
This series is one of those things that makes you stand back and say "You know what - I am actually happy to be living in 2023"
Would still rather learn bad chess through poorly produced video cassettes and live in the 80s lol
A bit over the top, maybe? 😂
spot on
Great thought man.
@@SeanStrain no, dayna is my will to live
Love Danya. Favourite chess person by miles. But he simultaneously makes me feel smarter and more stupid. When he says “I know a lot of you are tempted by…….” Yup. Every damn time. Keep doing what you do, D. Can’t thank you enough. It’s mad that this is freely available.
Wow, very helpful long-range plan. Run the a-pawn, which explains why it's ...Rfc8 and not ...Rac8. And maybe ...Bf6 gets an exclamation point! It defends the e7 pawn, it gives air to the king, and it controls the a1 square, creating the possibility of running the a-pawn up the board. I love clean and direct long-term plans like that, because often I'm confused in the middlegame (there being so many moves).
Great content as always. Thanks for all the teaching.
This is pretty obvious but there's some boomers round here
I used to watch these 1700+ videos and would feel completely lost. But just recently I've began to understand them and what a treat it is! We've made it boys.
i used to play 1600s+ and think they were unstoppable gods at chess, now i’m around 1750-1850 and realize that we all still suck LOL
been playing the accelerated because of the speedrun and I was very excited with how many of Danya's ideas I found in this game. It feels like I'm absorbing the Danya-isms and I will eventually be able to predict every word of the speedrun videos as I watch
finally a maroczy game , I have been waiting for so long , thank you danya you are the GOAT
maaaaaaaa 🐐
Love this content!!!! Thanks you so much for all of these free resources!
The best chess content creator by miles.
This is a gem. Thanks Senseï for always comin up with some high quality and free content.
Incredible how you call out his moves “ he’s probably going to go ____” that’s super dope
Every time I watch one of your vids, I feel like I've just gotten hooked up with free coaching. Thanks for all you do man!
Danya, I play the hyper-accelerated dragon and have always had bad positions against the Maroczy bind. I followed your plan and got a winning advantage against a higher rater player (and ended up drawing in time pressure). Thanks for the instructional videos!
I have been playing chess for 22 years but my understanding of chess is improving more faster than before in the last couple of months because of Danya’s speedruns. That is why he is the best Sensei ever!
33:19 ahahah sometimes I talk like this with myself while playing blitz. Looks like it is an universal language 😁
🎶 Inspired by 31:31 and 31:45: (to the tune of "I'll make a man out of you" from Mulan) 🎶
Let's get down to business
And play rook C2
Did they send me bishops
When I asked for pawns?
It's the saddest board I've ever seen
But I bet before we're through
That I'll make a GM
Tranquil as the opening
But we've found a pin
Once you claim the center
You are sure to win!
You miss tactics and are hanging pawns
And you haven't got a clue.
But I'll make a GM
Pawns are storming towards us
And we're down a knight
But watch my every video
And you might survive.
We must be swift as the jumping horseys
With all the force of a bishop sac
With all the strength of kingside pawn storm
Mysterious as the dark squares on THE BOAAAAAARD!
wow Danya is going to be so happy getting another open sicilian can’t wait to watch this one
BTW thanks for adding not auto generated captions
--editor here. yea man, im trying to find better transcripts but its really hard to get chess moves and names of chess openings accurately. it would be like a whole extra 1.5 hours to correct it all. I used a diff ai transcription thing this time but they all seem to struggle with this. hopefully its good enough.
@@ClydeBarber it's way better than the auto captions, it gets the name of pieces and squares right. As you said its not perfect, but I think the average viewer can understand the meaning of the sentence even when they don't work properly
@@ClydeBarber yes I love the not auto generated captions
Thanks for your work!
Hey just wondering if there is any update on the opening lab series. Much gratitude for all of your lessons and other videos.
im asking for this for after this speedrun
Started playing the accelerated dragon because of the speedrun and got smashed by this maroczy bind today lol, looking forward to this lesson
At 4:26, I think White gives Black what he wants by playing O-O?! (too early for this move, IMO) followed by Be3. White can be happy with his position if he gets Be3 in, making room for the queen to move to d2 when the Black bishop is fianchettoed. So defer O-O and play Be3 instead; then after Black plays ...Bg7 play Qd2. Now if Black plays Ng4, White can play Bxg4, trading the less useful bishop for the knight, or simply move the bishop under attack, e.g. Bf4. The point is, there is no reason to rush O-O - it can be played after more important matters have been dealt with.
The accelerated dragon defense speed run with Danya has been amazing! There is an old video with GM Yasser Serawan on this defense for anyone looking for additional info, and he kind of reminds me of the Bob Ross of chess. Its very chill.
Thank you, Grand Master Naroditsky. I've been watching a lot of your videos lately, and I've acquired a lot of vocabulary.
This series is so so good. I subbed to your twitch the other day. This is 10/10 content, thank you for making this available online, you're a beast Danya.
Thank you, Daniel!
Amazing overview of the Accelerated Dragon and Maroczy bind
Great video, Thank you!
Thank you Sensei!
Always the best✨
I'd like to see you play with the Maróczy bind if you have the chance! I always love your insight on openings!
I'm so happy when I see the new Danya's upload! What a delight this speedrun is!
I never watch twitch so I couldn't understand how I had seen this before, but I caught your stream for the first time some days ago lol and this was the game played on stream. I was about to chalk it up to Deja vu.
Definitely need to see some more Maroczy binds 👍
33:19 This line will come in handy one day
The a8 rook never moved an inch and was still active for the majority of the game. Beautiful game
Piece of Art.
I’ve been watching chess on RUclips for 15 years, and we’ve finally peaked.
Everyone knows the Maroczy Bind was popularized by Mr. Bind.
your one of the best teacher thankyou master..more Sicilian maroczy bind line for black..
pls wait master, i dont know how to claim my prize...i ask my cousin how to claim...
Let's go! Danya uploads
Love these videos
daniel !!! you are the best thank you
you teach me a lot
I got a NEED for SPEED run
Great class
Superb channel
My coach taught me that opposite coloured bishop positions shouldn't be thought of as "drawn" but rather as positions with counterplay. That is, material is not as relevant, either because of an attack when there are heavy pieces on the board, or because of a fortress in their absence
Man i just love the Speedrun videos soo much. For me you could just do another Speedrun right after. Maybe with diffrent opening suggestions tho.
Pla keep it up
Thanks sensei
Around 11:40 why not f5 opening a file and improving the bishop?
GM proposing a line that hangs the queen, amazing
can you please play a sveshnikov sicilian, i would love to know how you play it and any cool side lines you know
“If he plays A we’re going to do B” *plays A*
*Danya doesn’t play B*
Just hit 1700 rapid but only about half of the ideas Danya is mentioning would come to my head in a game 😂
Same, but Danya's videos have helped me get this far.
double bind supported by pawn block of space on board with flanking options
There's a lot of ideas
There are a lot of ideas
The fun thing about this setup is that even after c4 you can still transition into a lot of systems. ...e5 for the Kalashnikov for instance! It could be very nice against the Maroczy. It has a lot of the same ideas as this sideline, with the idea to still go Nf6 and Bg7 anyway.
Danya , will there be a endgame bishop video? I hope so , I can play opposite color bishop endgames easily but I was wondering about same color bishop endgames, I am currently reading a book "Supremacy of the bishop pair" so it would help me out a LOT
Pretty sure he’s going to cover all types of endings, from pawn endings to queen endings. Might take a while though.
@@WiiNunchuck yeah for sure
i love that he knows what intrinsically means
didnt realize I wasnt subbed , sorry daniel
I love you Daniel
Really impressive game by the opponent
Just a little sidenote on move order:if you play d6 first before Nxd4 there is a nasty Ng4 if white plays Be3.If he avoids the trap with f3 or Be2 then you can still transpose the line with Nxd4 and Bg7.
These are the type of games Maurice Ashley would like Magnus to win
The E7 and F7 pawns chilling next to each other the entire game: 🤘😎😎✌️
I play the accelerated dragon but never know what to do against the maroczy bind. I end up pushing some pawns to the sixth rank followed by resigning. Nice to learn some plans to play with.
i bet out of thousands people who clicked on the video, 2 people actually looked at the board in the thumbnail
Hey, you've played against this guy a few times! A consistently good player on the rise, if I remember correctly.
good old sicillian defense
48:10 is the bishop trapped here after Kg7?
nah because e5 dxe5 , fxe5 then bishop can go to g5 i think
@@flatterswhite ahh well spotted! thanks, i missed that :(
By the way Danya, awesome game against Carlsen... one wrong move by him and the game would have shifted in your favour but fair play
Can black play pawn to e5 in some of those positions?
Danya sir can you please clarify why the grunfeld not the kings indian
I hate it! I play both the Grunfeld and the Fantasy variation in the Caro-Kann and recently Danya put a spotlight on both of them which is likely to cause opponents to become increasingly familiar with them...
@@jacobleedgaard5968 ohh
@@somangshuchakraborty1334 Said with a twinkle in my eye ;)
Caro Kann Fantasy Variation is actually called the Maroczy Variation.
Can you make an opening video for Catalan pls
Question: would you ever allow the maroczy bind in a classical tournament? (at your level)
That's out of fashion in current era as far as classical time control is concerned. GMs who choose the Sicilian are far more likely to play the Najdorf or Sveshnikov in serious classical tournament games. Black's outcomes with the accelerated Dragon (or any Dragon for that matter) in general at master level is pretty dismal. You will see white winning a big chunk, draws an even bigger chunk, and black wins like 10-15%. Given you don't choose the Sicilian as black if you want to go for a draw, it's not popular.
@stoutlager6325 I think you are overstating how unplayable it is, in a classical tournament iirc it is fine, probably not the best option to play, but completely playable, and it is fine to allow the maroczy
allowing the Maroczy used to be deemed a mistake, but with more theory developments it's actually fine to allow and black gets enough play (maybe not in the accelerated dragon though)
It was super popular in the times of passive defense (rubinstein times)
@@stoutlager6325 Yasser loved playing the accelerated dragon in tournament play. He "only" won the U.S. championship 4 times.
Be2 is a mistake according to šarič from his course and he recommends going f3 first like in caruana - carlsen game from 2014
the funny thing is that variations will probably never get named after people anymore because its all suggested by stokfish now. only slightly dubious moves maybe will. all the old people got the glory and even if maroczy didnt develop his ideas stockfish would have taken his place
Some modern players have openings named after them, i think the bigger problem than stockfish is that most of the good lines are just taken now, so if you want something named now it would probably be fairly obscure by default, and thus probably dubious like you said
I see it, I click it
Hey Daniel, loving your videos! Quick question: In many occasions you refer to your "opening bible", but I can not remember if you have ever said which book you are referring to. I am looking for an opening bible covering "all" openings a little, so I would be very happy if you shared either the name of your book or any alternatives. Thanks for the great content, have a wonderful day! :)
Isn't this called the guegenidze system?
Delay the accelerated dragon, got it
>Danya Naroblitzky
>Actually plays Rapid in speedrun
I think Narapidsky works better
Daniel, I have come to hate your videos, which shape metas in Blitz.
Eagles L and new SR. Today is a great day
I've recently started playing Sicilian Defense but its so hard to get a different variations than the Old Sicilian Defense variation. Its always what happened in my games, but I've studied the opening a lot and played it pretty much always every time I get the chance to get better at it. I'm only 1100 rated player, playing chess for fun while also challenging myself to reach 1500 someday. Always appreciate a Sicilian Defense videos, always helpful to me.
Try the Najdorf or Taimanov. Most white players at that level will short castle but every now and then you'll face off against a true Sicilian Chad who likes it spicy.
@@Tacos4brekky taimanov is a good recomendation but najdorf might be the least practical opening if you are not gonna study for months , white has like 15-20 different moves even at the starting position of the najdorf
@@Tacos4brekky Ok, I'll try to study those two. Thank you
@@efemetin5593 i agree, najdorf is hard for beginners and at intermediate level. Even after reading multiple books you are likely to lose if you forget the move order
Anyone else in love with Danya?
Wow just this friday I was preparing some openings and stumbled upon (almost) the same idea in this video:видео.html
They play it with d6 first instead of Nxd4, but I think both moves are likely to transpose. It looks like a very interesting opening for black!
Hey Danya how do I get in touch with you for lessons?I live about 3 hrs away and I am not a rich person, I have heard that your lessons are thousands of dollars,I hope this isn't so, also if it is,I hope you can offer assistance to someone closer to me, for a cheaper price
Hate this line
I think that the best games are the ones you loose. You are undoubtedly a excellent teacher and player but if you are going for instructional, i think that you should only show games that you loose at high level and explain why.
Well he lost this game
Hikaru is better than you at chess period
He didn't imply otherwise
I never knew that. Can't listen to Hikaru because his voice gives me that fingernails-on-chalkboard feeling, and I hate watching him chew his dinner like an open-mouthed toddler. He's probably really good at chess, but his chess streaming is painful to watch.
@@KF1 Did you saw Hikaru's match vs Danya after the bullet brawl. Hikaru defeated your streamer 9-1 lol. that was indeed painfull to watch.
@@mortalkombaty7960 He's not "my streamer", I'm not part of the fanboy club. Just can't stand Hikaru regardless of skill level
Danya, do you have a discord? I would love to join but I haven't saw the invite link at all yet.