Gael jacob (ig : jacobs_90)

With yetfit
Is it just released? It's been a days maybe more than 1 week after they're spendin time together on their ig, Gael already in Miami with cjmiles lol, always wondered what they're talkin about, I mean NOT just the 2 of em spendin time together, but with others men too dunno who but I think they're not OF creator
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Unpopular comment: is anyone else tired of the fake-gay stuff coming from this guy?
No, coz as a straight man, it takes time to adjust yourself doing gay things and he is not gay baiting, he is just a little boring sometimes because he felt awkward and embarass about having sex with man.
Absolutely has. He's definitely fucked and been fucked off camera. He just has to get over his on-camera shyness then the floodgates will open like FitFilou.
How do you know about this? Do you have any reliable sources?
From what I heard, he's really straight (and I can say that his straight fuck videos are really good), but he's trying to get more and more comfortable doing things with guys. Recently, it looks like he's being rather succesful in that, hope he continues on this path! :)
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