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Chapters: 1290, Volumes: 116, Days: 8.42, Mean Score: 8.9, Score Dev.: 0.60 More stats
#Image Manga Title Score Chapters Volumes Tags Magazine Publish Start Publish End
1 Ao no Hako Publishing 8
16 / -
1 / -
Shounen Jump (Weekly) 12-04-21
2 Houseki no Kuni 10
81 / 108
10 / 13
Afternoon 25-10-12 25-04-24
3 Hunter x Hunter Publishing 10
360 / -
34 / -
Shounen Jump (Weekly) 03-03-98
4 Naruto 8
453 / 700
48 / 72
Shounen Jump (Weekly) 21-09-99 10-11-14
5 No Game No Life Publishing 9
18 / -
3 / -
6 Otome Game Sekai wa Mob ni Kibishii Sekai desu 8
42 / 207
3 / 13
30-05-18 29-03-24
7 Sakura Trick 10
50 / 84
5 / 8
Manga Time Kirara Miracle! 16-03-11 16-08-17
8 Sweet Home 9
91 / 141
4 / 12
Naver Webtoon 12-10-17 02-07-20
9 Tower of God Publishing 8
179 / -
8 / -
Naver Webtoon 05-07-10