Cadillacs and Dinosaurs [World] (Arcade) - (Longplay - Hannah Dundee | Hardest Difficulty)
- Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
- Game Title: Cadillacs and Dinosaurs
Version: World/930201
Developer: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom
North American Title: Cadillacs and Dinosaurs
European Title: Cadillacs and Dinosaurs
Japanese Title: Cadillacs 恐竜新世紀 / Cadillacs Kyouryuu-Shinseiki
Language: English
Platform: Arcade
Character: Hannah Dundee
Difficulty: Hardest
Played, Recorded and Edited by: TurkishBullet19
Hello everyone and Welcome to my RUclips Channel!
In this Longplay/Walkthrough video, i'm playing and showing a thorough and detailed guide about how to complete the Arcade version of Cadillacs and Dinosaurs [World] by playing as Hannah Dundee from the beginning to the very end on the Hardest difficulty setting.
-All Perfect
-No Damage
-No Death
-No Continues
My purpose in this Longplay/Walkthrough video is to thoroughly entertain and also to provide thorough, detailed, clean and complete Guide so that it can help the Audience out when they are stuck in a specific area/part of the game.
Thank you very much for taking your time to watch my Longplay/Walkthrough video. I truly appreciate that!
You make this looks easy, specially playing as Hannah who is the most technical char of the game, and on hardes, no damage at all? Turlly GOD gaming!
I used to, and still do to this day, love this game. Keep kicking ass Capcom. :) 👍👍
That final gunshot against Butcher was _dope._
I've been looking for such longplay for years. Thanks for uploading this.
Hannah Dundee was my first crush
I had a crush on Vice T!
You didn't take no hits on this playthrough. You are a Goddess and again, Perfect run...never outrun the girls.
What a product made,such a nostalgia
I like this game mainly because of Hannah Dundee. I love Hannah! 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
I have a MAME emulator so I can play this game using Hannah and nobody else. To hell with Mustapha. Sorry, brazilians... I know many brazilians played this game in the 1990s.
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs is STUNNINGLY AMAZING and AWESOMELY Spectacular 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
She looks like Abby from Last of Us 2 (PS4)!
Every time I play a beat em up weapons make Shure they don't last and not so great weapons.
Another my favorite Capcom game along with Sweet Home (NES), Alien Vs. Predator (Arcade), and Dungeons and Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (Arcade).
Very genius the producer and director of the game.
They name Razor and Blade because they are playing 🗡️🔪.
The three fatso's name are Ulk,Hammer and I forgot the other guys name.
If you pretend Hannah's skin is green , this would be an excellent she-hulk arcade game!
42:19 Blanka?
Genial a luta contra o slice, tava penando pra passar dele com ela sem morrer.
ดีที่สุด 😊😊😊😊
She's still the ultimate crush.
For the ladies there's Vice T!
Best game for ever
Wow! Great memories.
She is a keeper ❤️
39:00 lmao, AI back then was hilarious.
es trucado varias veces camino por donde embisten los gordos, por separado, pero no le pegaron
캐딜락과 공룡
Ne yani yani sarı hiç kırmızı olmadı mı yani çok ilginç 😲👏👏
İltifatın için teşekkür ederim! 😊🙏
Videomu beğendiğin için ve zaman ayırıp izlediğin için ayrıca teşekkür ederim. 🙏🙏
Hannah is thick 😍
Vice T is rugged!
O melhor jogo da minha infância
You are a champion!
Good job no damage
21:38, 100% cheat
This is great! I've always wanted to play this game, but I couldn't find it anywhere (and we had Cyberbots for a short while at one of our local arcades). Has this been released outside of MAME/Final Burn?
What licensing? Cadillac?
Interesting name for a title very little dinosaurs or just fighting them reminds me of lost planet very little monster battles just human fighting.
Hannah Dundee always reminds me of the Man Hands episode of Seinfeld
what was that Man Hands episode of Seinfeld?
In that episode, Seinfeld dates a woman who is attractive EXCEPT she has big, manly hands. I thought the same thing. Her sprite has mitts like Popeye 😊
Bravo,the best player
Future beat em up great roster more levels good weapons that don't break background stuff happening and throws that match each character.
J'aime la musique qui est joué 31:41
estaré muy atento a escucharla
creeme que no escuchaste nada todavía, yo soy super fan de CADILLACS AND DINOSAURS, conozco todo todo de este poderoso BEATEM UP de CAPCOM
you are the best
Esse jogo é meio fajuto, não é o mesmo que eu jogava em arcade. O som é diferente. ❤❤❤❤❤
Que buenos recuerdos!!
Seeing the Twin Towers at the beginning makes me sad.
"-Spiral smash!-" Yeah, time to fight back!
Love from Bangladesh
U better watch out,Morgan and Dr.Fesseden are going angry.😱😱😱😱😱
With one of them even becoming pretty much Yoshi if he was tweaking out on drugs
Hannah you 're the one
wtf cheating
lo mismo pienso yo, muchas veces ya la llegaban los golpes
es trucado varias veces camino por donde embisten los gordos, por separado, pero no le pegaron
es trucado varias veces camino por donde embisten los gordos, por separado, pero no le pegaron