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Mar 24, 2016 12:12 PM

Oct 2014
so erased proved again how amazing it is by spenting a hole episode talking the same thing of trusting your friends(is this shit fairy tail now?)
also where the hell came all this relation between satoru and the teachere?
just because the guy stopped some of his killings now he can not live without satoru?bullshit
also is the teacher not supposed to be some kind of genious?
how the fuck he is so dumb to bite the obvious trap that satoru made for him and even try to kill him when he knows it is highly likely someone is keeping an eye on the situation since they were waiting for the teacher to try kill satoru
and of course satoru power stopped working now and the explanation for that is brilliant it is because since the plot ended the author no longer needed that stupid plot device
gabrielrroizMar 24, 2016 12:15 PM
Mar 24, 2016 12:13 PM

Nov 2014
Being dropped with the body stick on the wheelchair, but when on the ground, it turned that his body was splitted from the wheelchair. I wonder how it happened?

Wahh.. it is twist of fate between him and Airi.
Mar 24, 2016 12:14 PM

Apr 2013
Ending was really rushed. The way Yashiro admitted defeat/got caught was underwhelming.
If it had been a 2 cour anime (or maybe 15 episodes), it would definitely have been a solid 10/10 for most people. I wonder how it would've been if they were given 1 more episode to make it the standard 13 episode anime. The last scene with Airi was well done. Bumping it up to 9 because of Airi although I would've given it an 8 for rushing.

Mar 24, 2016 12:15 PM

Mar 2013
pretty nice. The atmosphere was handled well imo and the conclusive thoughts of Satoru were a nice touch. I do think the theme of friendship wasn't handled that well, mainly due to inconsistent focus and the fact it wasn't discussed much until the latter half. The villian/mystery was also disappointingly weak. Still I think it was good overall.
Mar 24, 2016 12:15 PM

Jun 2012
meh ending, this series started falling off halfway through.

especially the last couple episodes.

could have been way more that that

Mar 24, 2016 12:15 PM

Jul 2012
Need more Airi for this ending. She should've gotten more screen time.
Mar 24, 2016 12:15 PM

Nov 2015
Wow..... Just wow.

We discovered few things in this last episode like Yashiro's feelings for Satoru and that ending wasn't a shit like few other animes that started good and finished so bad.

SOOOO Airi x Satoru now is canon, goodbye Hinazuki x Satoru xD. And meeting all his friends and the ones he saved is really sweet, the mom was missing but it's okay

Yashiro shocked me when he wanted to suicide with Satoru, but at the end, EVERYTHING IS DAIJOBU DESU !

I'll miss the feeling of waiting a week with such an exitation to watch Boku dake ga Inai machi. I'll give it a 5/5.
Mar 24, 2016 12:16 PM

Nov 2009
Awesome show. Loved it. 10/10
Houseki No Kuni, aka The Land of the Lustrous. Best of 2017.
Mar 24, 2016 12:16 PM

Jul 2014
Underwhelming ending. It was a 9/10 until the last episode, when everything turned too predictable.

Although had some good moments, it still felt really meh.

Mar 24, 2016 12:17 PM

Oct 2014
UnicornLover666 said:
And that's how the best anime of winter 2016 ends.

Even if it was obivious who was a killer, we got bunch of plotwists which weren't cliched. Well, Yashiro was random and I don't really get him, but that doesn't matter. The story was great. I like it how they connected the whole story with feelings.

I think this episode was a bit rushed. But it was still good so I don't mind.

The opening and ending were also great.

I've wanted to say more but I already forgot. I will definitely miss this one. Now I am just going to read manga to get the full story.

you are wrong showa genroku is still airing and it will probably have a way better ending than this
Mar 24, 2016 12:18 PM
Mar 2014
10/10 Thank god they didn't forget that girl at the end
Mar 24, 2016 12:18 PM

Sep 2015
Best anime of the season for me.

I was giving this anime a 10/10 until episode 10, but episodes 11 and 12 really had a drop in quality and were too rushed, so my final score is 9/10.
Mar 24, 2016 12:18 PM

Nov 2015
Wow..... Just wow.

We discovered few things in this last episode like Yashiro's feelings for Satoru and that ending wasn't a shit like few other animes that started good and finished so bad.

SOOOO Airi x Satoru now is canon, goodbye Hinazuki x Satoru xD. And meeting all his friends and the ones he saved is really sweet, the mom was missing but it's okay

Yashiro shocked me when he wanted to suicide with Satoru, but at the end, EVERYTHING IS DAIJOBU DESU !

I'll miss the feeling of waiting a week with such an exitation to watch Boku dake ga Inai machi. I'll give it a 5/5.
Mar 24, 2016 12:18 PM
Dec 2013
A satisfying ending to a great anime. Satoru accomplished his goals. In this timeline, Shiratori is no longer serving prison time and sentenced to death for being framed for the murders he didn't commit. His mother doesn't get murdered. Nor does Hinazuki and Hiromi. And of course, Yashiro finally being arrested (for attempted murder, though, since he didn't kill anyone in this timeline). This anime was the anime I looked forward to watching the most every week from this season. What a ride.
Mar 24, 2016 12:18 PM
Jul 2018
Illyricus said:
Btw, I'm expecting with glad the reaction of my dear buddy @RainyRai to the ending.

Oh no lol. XD
this happened actually-
Director- I love kayo.
Assistants- should we remove the airi crap and only end with an airi asspull for manga ending?
Director- do that. Also remember to show some butterflies and make it look like "fate". After all, we are trying to do a s;g ending. It will make ppl emo.
Okay sir!
Mar 24, 2016 12:19 PM

Apr 2015
Although there was a severe lack of Airi I still can take a liking to this ending. Overall it was an enjoyable ride and the stylistic devices this show used to bring its point across really made this one for me. 9/10

Well now from this to Re:Zero, another great story which involves reliving certain moments of your life. Honestly I see equally big potential in it maybe even more since it'll be a 2-cour handled by the makers of Steins;Gate. I'm really pumped for this show but for now Erased is my top choice in psychological/Mystery shows 2016.
Mar 24, 2016 12:20 PM

Jul 2013
xaos12 said:
Illyricus said:
Btw, I'm expecting with glad the reaction of my dear buddy @RainyRai to the ending.

Oh no lol. XD
this happened actually-
Director- I love kayo.
Assistants- should we remove the airi crap and only end with an airi asspull for manga ending?
Director- do that. Also remember to show some butterflies and make it look like "fate". After all, we are trying to do a s;g ending. It will make ppl emo.
Okay sir!
I can see that totally happen XD Too bad best girls was bastardized by A1 Pictures :/
Mar 24, 2016 12:21 PM

Nov 2013
that ending mad me so fucking happy
Mar 24, 2016 12:22 PM

Jun 2009
That post credits scene. Nggggh.

8/10 overall. I knocked a point off due to the kinda rushedness of the last two episodes. Probably would've been better as a two cour show, but it was still a nice change of pace from the moe and shonen we get every season.
Mar 24, 2016 12:23 PM

Oct 2014
TheEnhancedExe said:
MrJCS said:
At least this was fun to see how mature some people are in dealing relationships.
Who would thought that *gasp* people move on and *gasp* things don't always go the way we expect in love.

Yes Airi don't know Satoru in this Timeline, she's meeting him for the first time.

If it's the same as the Manga she's just asking Satoru help in avoiding snow she wasn't expecting.

People meet others for the first time in Real Life too, so i can't see why it's "bad writing".

Did you see the butterfly? For Satoru, it was the first meeting with Airi in this timeline, so you're right at this point, but from the way Airi was talking, it looks like she knew Satoru. I mean, why should she talk to a stranger like this. To me, it seems like the two times are overlapping at this point. There is a huge chance that I may be wrong, but maybe that's really the way it is. We'll probably never know.

no the reason the author thought it was a good to have airi appearing out of nowhere in the ending was because he got afraid of the hole ntr discussion with kayo so he decided he had to end the mc with airi even if that made no sense
Mar 24, 2016 12:25 PM
Jul 2018
lmao math gave me the score 7.97/10! (CLOSE SATORU BUT NOT QUITE THERE YET)

I liked this, there were flaws but overall the good outweighted the bad in my opinion (they cut so much of best mom on this anime).
Mar 24, 2016 12:25 PM
Feb 2015
Just finished watching the entire series in one-go xD
I must say, the first few episodes got me hooked on to it.

But, the biggest turn-off in the series was the 15 year coma. Seemed like a bad mashup of Steins;Gate and some other stuff like Charlotte or something. And, I legit had no idea that Hitomi was a guy until the 11th episode xD

Overall, it was an okay series, good OP and ED, not the best animation but pretty decent. I was gonna give it an 8 but since they had a brief scene with Airi at the end, I'm giving it a 9 XD
(I kid you not, I was literally screaming in head, "BRING BACK AIRI DAMMET" towards those last few minutes.)
Mar 24, 2016 12:25 PM
Jul 2018
Illyricus said:
xaos12 said:

Oh no lol. XD
this happened actually-
Director- I love kayo.
Assistants- should we remove the airi crap and only end with an airi asspull for manga ending?
Director- do that. Also remember to show some butterflies and make it look like "fate". After all, we are trying to do a s;g ending. It will make ppl emo.
Okay sir!
I can see that totally happen XD Too bad best girls was bastardized by A1 Pictures :/

They succeeded somewhat actually. I see some ppl crying for that topkek asspull ending and then rating it 5/5 or 10 for the show.
Mar 24, 2016 12:26 PM

Jul 2013
xaos12 said:
Illyricus said:
I can see that totally happen XD Too bad best girls was bastardized by A1 Pictures :/

They succeeded somewhat actually. I see some ppl crying for that topkek asspull ending and then rating it 5/5 or 10 for the show.
Meh, a lot of people cry so easily for things like that these days.
Mar 24, 2016 12:27 PM

Nov 2014
5/5 for an anime watcher i dont care about the manga still very well executed
Mar 24, 2016 12:28 PM
Dec 2015
Such a nice ending. Really loved the short journey of Boku dake ga inai machi. I hope many anime that are yet to come in future too be as interesting as this one.
Mar 24, 2016 12:29 PM

Apr 2014
Somebody please explain how this show is even close to a masterpiece
Mar 24, 2016 12:29 PM

Mar 2013
A bit disappointed with how things turned out, still solid.
Mar 24, 2016 12:29 PM

Oct 2014
VanishingKira said:
Debating whether to give this a 6/10 or a 7/10.

This was a good show but honestly it was only good during the first half/Kayo's arc (7-8/10 worthy),once the second half started there was clearly a major drop in quality and the series became very predictable and well went to shit (5-6/10).

A 6/10 seems more fitting considering how terrible the second half became,but the fan in me that really liked the first half wants to biasedly give this a 7/10 and overlook the entire second half.

that is the problem with thrillers even if the build up is good if the pay off amounts to nothing(like the lazy resolution of kayo arc and the terrible showdown with the killer)the show still sucks
Mar 24, 2016 12:29 PM

Feb 2016
gabrielrroiz said:
UnicornLover666 said:
And that's how the best anime of winter 2016 ends.

Even if it was obivious who was a killer, we got bunch of plotwists which weren't cliched. Well, Yashiro was random and I don't really get him, but that doesn't matter. The story was great. I like it how they connected the whole story with feelings.

I think this episode was a bit rushed. But it was still good so I don't mind.

The opening and ending were also great.

I've wanted to say more but I already forgot. I will definitely miss this one. Now I am just going to read manga to get the full story.

you are wrong showa genroku is still airing and it will probably have a way better ending than this

Oh, I am sorry, I haven't seen Showa Genroku yet.
Mar 24, 2016 12:29 PM

Oct 2007
100% Pure Quality. A-1/10. Everyone criticizing it are just haters and other such MAL comments.
Mar 24, 2016 12:29 PM

Oct 2014
>cut All Airi development
>Still Airi end
While i loved the ending in the Manga and all, the anime really could've handled Airi better.
And the Scene between Satoru and Sensei was something out of Romeo and Joliet or something...

Still, i was pretty satisfied 8/10
ShrimperorMar 24, 2016 1:38 PM
Mar 24, 2016 12:29 PM
Jul 2009
gabrielrroiz said:
TheEnhancedExe said:

Did you see the butterfly? For Satoru, it was the first meeting with Airi in this timeline, so you're right at this point, but from the way Airi was talking, it looks like she knew Satoru. I mean, why should she talk to a stranger like this. To me, it seems like the two times are overlapping at this point. There is a huge chance that I may be wrong, but maybe that's really the way it is. We'll probably never know.

no the reason the author thought it was a good to have airi appearing out of nowhere in the ending was because he got afraid of the hole ntr discussion with kayo so he decided he had to end the mc with airi even if that made no sense

Manga was selling around 300k per volume. Even the volume with the NTR sold that much. The author didn't have anything to be afraid of.
Mar 24, 2016 12:31 PM

Apr 2015

Bleh. I say, bleh...
Mar 24, 2016 12:31 PM

Apr 2015
So yashiro didn't kill anyone in this timeline?
Mar 24, 2016 12:32 PM

Aug 2011
It's been a while since i've held onto to something that has declined this rapidly. Not worth anything above a 4.
Mar 24, 2016 12:32 PM
Oct 2014
So will he end up with Misato
Mar 24, 2016 12:32 PM

May 2014
I thought that was a pretty underwhelming finale any other anime, I probably wouldn't have thought so much about it, but because of how strong Boku Dake started, it just makes the ending feel worse than it probably is.

I'm just not sold on Yashiro's whole "I need you to live" thing...I mean, he tried to kill Satoru for ruining his happy murder time, right? Why is he suddenly psychologically dependent upon him living? I dunno, maybe he realised it was fun having someone on your tail when Satoru was in a coma...but i'm just not convinced. Also, I couldn't have been the only one that found that bit when Satoru got pushed off the building funny, right? Dat plot twist though XD

There really should've been more episodes, because it feels like a lot of development has been lost when it comes to Yashiro. Sure, we had the car scene in episode 10 and the Kandata/Spider's thread thing which explained a little of his state of mind, but it didn't feel like it was enough. Maybe it was better expanded upon in the manga...I haven't read it, but maybe I'll give it a go.

Anyways, once the Hinazuki part was done and dusted, things weren't as good imo, although I'll admit that ending with Airi did make me tear up.

First 3/4 of the anime was an easy 9/10 for me, but the last 1/4 was prolly a 6/10...7/10 overall, I guess?
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Mar 24, 2016 12:32 PM

Mar 2014
When Airi showed up at the end. I kind of wonder if she was Kumi with that pink hat hiding her hair, it seemed like they were trying to go for that.

Good ep though. Decent series overall.
"Fuck this shit, fun things are fun!"
Mar 24, 2016 12:33 PM

Apr 2010
so wait,
Mar 24, 2016 12:33 PM
Apr 2014
Raz1515 said:
So yashiro didn't kill anyone in this timeline?

He killed this fucking show with his mediocrity and lack of characterization as an antagonist.
Mar 24, 2016 12:34 PM
Dec 2015
I really did like the ending scene where airi shows up outta nowhere. Felt like everything is complete now. Except the fact that they didnt explain anything about those revivals but overall Loved this show xD
Mar 24, 2016 12:34 PM

Apr 2015
Tekakurika said:
so wait,

Glad I'm not the only one who saw that.

I laughed a lot at that.
Mar 24, 2016 12:35 PM

Apr 2015
Tylaen said:
Tekakurika said:
so wait,

Glad I'm not the only one who saw that.

I laughed a lot at that.
I wanted to ask the same thing?!!
Mar 24, 2016 12:35 PM

Oct 2007

ROFL even in a noitaminA show like this A-1 finds a way to plug one of their own things at the 11th hour as always. Truly a class act of a studio worthy of all it's praises.
Mar 24, 2016 12:38 PM

Oct 2014
Tekakurika said:
so wait,

no xD
It was that guy who worked at the pizza shop back then at the beginning.
Mar 24, 2016 12:39 PM

Apr 2015
Shrimperor said:
Tekakurika said:
so wait,

no xD
It was that guy who worked at the pizza shop back then at the beginning.

Spoil sport... would've been way funnier our way.
Mar 24, 2016 12:39 PM

Nov 2011
Brilliant episode. The back and forth between Yashiro and Satoru was awesome.

I liked the back and forth for when he remembered his memories as well. Could have been confusing to some at first but I thought it was a good approach.

That grin he had when he winked at Yashiro though...LIKE A BOSS!!! Satoru was one of if not THE best male character this season.

The meetup in Hokkaido was cool, The chick who walked into the restaurant I didn't know at first but then I realized "Oh its the Lunch Money chick." I forgot her name but she made up for it trying to raise money for Satoru which was neat.

Sachiko though is still the best mother ever!

Finally that ending with Airi...amazing, perfect writing.

MozillaFennekin said:
I just wanna know why the butterfly appeared at the end.

My theory is that since he would go back and change whatever incident occurred, why would he go back and not meet Airi there and then? It's fate.
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Mar 24, 2016 12:40 PM
Dec 2013
Just finished boku dake... I was just wondering im guessing the left so many things out.. i wanna read the manga but i dont want to restart the whole thing again. SO WHERE DO I START FROM?
Mar 24, 2016 12:40 PM

Jul 2014
I don't think I really could have asked for anymore with the ending for this series. All the plot threads were satisfied, everyone was more or less happy and Satoru ended up meeting Airi again just to finish things off. After the slight hiccups in the last couple of episodes, I was slightly worried about how this would end, but it seems my worries were entirely unnecessary.

AOTS by a country mile. Nothing else even comes close (not even Konosuba or Grimgar).

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