The Twisted Tale of of VitalyzdTv | A World of Violence and Virality

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025

Комментарии • 1,4 тыс.

  • @jaubrey
    @jaubrey  4 месяца назад +163

    Huge thanks again to DeleteMe for sponsoring this one! Remove your personal info from the web at and use code JAUBREY for 20% off! DeleteMe international plans here:

    • @snakesolidRCXDDD
      @snakesolidRCXDDD 4 месяца назад

      this shit ass lil bro

    • @Camikazzi
      @Camikazzi 4 месяца назад

      steroids . spoiled. hollyweird

    • @teethgrinder83
      @teethgrinder83 4 месяца назад +9

      While I think these vids on RUclipsrs etc...are ok i wish you'd go back to doing other people like your RFK, P Diddy, Epstein and Ghislaine, George Santos type vids-they were far more interesting to me than these dime a dozen fools. You're a great creator and to me they really were far more interesting

    • @theZodiacGriller
      @theZodiacGriller 4 месяца назад

      real fuckin zogshit take from you at the end of this video. Vigilante justice is an impediment in common law legal systems, and "pedophile hunting" shouldn't be in the hands of regular citizens. Do you think the average citizen should investigate random robberies, or murder cases? The answer is no, because they usually cause interference and mayhem for professionals, and can't be trusted to carry out punishments or judgement, or to remain impartial and unbiased. Even the gold standard in this instance, To Catch A Predator, a program that even worked with law enforcement wound up throwing out the majority of the cases they bring, because they aren't following due process, or operating how these entities must.
      And that's before we talk about the issue of sensationalizing this topic, or desensitizing people to it's severity. Seems like you had a knee jerk reaction to "Oh noo won't somebody protect the children"... which I can kinda get, but it's a massive disappointment from a channel that seems to pride itself on research and integrity. It's frustrating to watch you fumble the bag with such a dogshit take like " I hope vitaly goes out and hunts pedophiles"...
      These are real issues that shouldn't be left up to clowns, or vigilantes. But maybe I'm the fool for expecting thoroughness and understanding of nuanced topics from a youtuber, that I am now realizing is just a sensationalist drama farmer.

    • @theZodiacGriller
      @theZodiacGriller 4 месяца назад +3

      Throughout the video you have a vague feeling that something is wrong, and idk maybe 5 minutes of research into "issues with pedophile hunters" would have let you put that into words and share with your audience. But instead you laze around in your "inexplicable" malaise, deride some shitty people for vague reasons, and meander around in mediocrity.

  • @aliceinunderw0rld
    @aliceinunderw0rld 4 месяца назад +3688

    its actually insane to me that his "wake up call" to get sober was not him beating a random innocent woman because of his drug use, but rather a near death experience caused by his own idiocy

    • @casey5683
      @casey5683 4 месяца назад +166

      People like him don’t care about other people, but they care very much about themselves.

    • @GOLDFISH817
      @GOLDFISH817 4 месяца назад +9

      *idiocy. Idiocracy is a movie 🤓

    • @aliceinunderw0rld
      @aliceinunderw0rld 4 месяца назад +66

      @@GOLDFISH817 idiocracy is a word in the merriam webster dictionary but it refers to a society governed by idiots rather than a single persons actions

    • @lordhandsomeswag1854
      @lordhandsomeswag1854 4 месяца назад +8

      @@aliceinunderw0rld We all see the (edited) buddy he ain't the one requiring the citations

    • @dendrien
      @dendrien 4 месяца назад +21

      the irony is the fact that his nothing more than a copy image of his worthless father that he hated. the apple doesnt fall far from the tree

  • @slothzzzowo
    @slothzzzowo 4 месяца назад +2834

    The story with Lily is fucking tragic, it is so stupid that he even gets to be out of prison.

    • @Rebecca-re5ph
      @Rebecca-re5ph 4 месяца назад +119

      He should be deported honestly.

    • @babayega1717
      @babayega1717 4 месяца назад +19

      The court case can't be settled if the victim did not agree with the settlement. She chose to let him off.

    • @EKk8819
      @EKk8819 4 месяца назад +5

      wahhh wahh lily, cry about it.

    • @Birdyboys
      @Birdyboys 4 месяца назад +102

      The last two comments are weird as hell lol

    • @Roman-bw2fo
      @Roman-bw2fo 4 месяца назад +106

      ​@@babayega1717i agree, but lemme ask you a question
      if you had to spend an insane amount of money and time to keep going to court over and over and over for multiple years on end, do you think that would be easy to continue doing or not?
      yes, she chose to settle and be done with it, but it's not like the alternative was simple either.

  • @vicpaik
    @vicpaik 4 месяца назад +1189

    I’m impressed he never got shot doing these pranks, especially when he took acting as a zombie into the hoods and his many irritating stunts

    • @zameion90
      @zameion90 4 месяца назад +61

      Good thing they were 90% fake

    • @DriedVix
      @DriedVix 4 месяца назад

      Believe it or not, not everyone in the hood carries a gun, let alone is ready shoot it. That's why the ones that do are considered enforcers and shooters. They usually have to be called in and he rolled up on a bunch of kids and high schoolers playing basketball, then split too quickly. No one is going to just have a gun in that area, let alone shoot it towards kids.
      Also, many of the ones that carry guns are used to dealing with crazy junkies (their customers) so they tend to just beat them up and chase them off than murk them. What they probably assumed what was happening and why they started mobbing him. People in Hoods are very hesitant to just straight up kill a random Eurasian/European person. It's not a flex on the streets. It makes the block hot and people start getting looked into. If anything, he was safest doing this prank in an African American Hood.
      Thank you for coming to my TED talk about Hood culture. I am black and have been to many Hoods including Chicago, Houston and Dallas. I don't reside in one personally, but I understand the politics enough.

    • @achildnamedhotchick1739
      @achildnamedhotchick1739 4 месяца назад

      the “hood” isn’t as violent as people think. it’s full of regular people struggling trying to live life like everybody else

    • @KnightTimeMagic
      @KnightTimeMagic 4 месяца назад +21

      ​@@zameion90 The only thing fake was him being on bathsalt not the people he chased down pretending to be out of his mind on drugs.
      That man could have been shot doing like that

    • @UwU_for_Christ
      @UwU_for_Christ 4 месяца назад

      he lives in california thats how

  • @zzitzer
    @zzitzer 4 месяца назад +2252

    Seeing a new j aubrey video is always a mix of emotions- excitement about top tier content, but also hesitation due to the sheer depravity of the subjects of his videos.

    • @pookielouu
      @pookielouu 4 месяца назад +22

      dude litreally 🤣

    • @060525
      @060525 4 месяца назад +13

      You summed it up perfectly

    • @youhavebeenseenbyangel6352
      @youhavebeenseenbyangel6352 4 месяца назад +4

      Holy glaze

    • @elpidalastname9834
      @elpidalastname9834 4 месяца назад +3

      It's really not that bad. You're just soft.

    • @zzitzer
      @zzitzer 4 месяца назад +52

      @@elpidalastname9834 I don’t know who tf vitaly is, and I’m only halfway through the vid, but beating a woman nearly to death and blaming it on “the shrooms”, seems pretty bad. But sure bud I guess I’m soft

  • @dainsleifsanders3627
    @dainsleifsanders3627 4 месяца назад +445

    I never heard that the victim of the "zombie attack" survived. I'm so glad that's the case and he seems to be living as happily as he can

    • @SaiyanSerenityV
      @SaiyanSerenityV 4 месяца назад +49

      Same, I remember hearing that story and not only did I not know he survived, I didn't even know bath salts weren't involved. I'm glad the guy lived and is making music and living his life.

    • @rain_drops2723
      @rain_drops2723 4 месяца назад +5

      I’m not American so this is first time I’m hearing this and that completely traumatized me. I had to stop the vid and come back wtfff 😭

  • @hatsunemilo
    @hatsunemilo 4 месяца назад +671

    people who do these "to catch a predator" knock offs are so gross. exploiting something as real as CSA and making it into content where you don't do anything but turn it into a joke. this video really had me turning away and squinting so much. another jaubrey banger

    • @GooBliff
      @GooBliff 4 месяца назад

      Imagine hating people who hate pedos check bros hard drive

    • @HeatherQuinn-Psykhae
      @HeatherQuinn-Psykhae 4 месяца назад

      Not all of them Omma, Skeeter Jean, and here recently JiDion are actually getting convictions from their catches and are using the money they get from the content to catch more predators
      While I agree the catch and release shitheads are disgusting there are people who are out there doing good

    • @QWERTYCommander
      @QWERTYCommander 4 месяца назад +68

      It's clear that this guy in particular doesn't go after child predators for moral reasons, he just wants an acceptable target for his sadism.

    • @nordy9363
      @nordy9363 4 месяца назад +12

      honestly I think his "to catch a predator" knock off was greatly influenced by a well known russian nazi Tesak that would film similar content in ~2010s and had an appropriate fanbase. These are just psychos that are extremely dangerous to live in the society with...

    • @owainraysor5108
      @owainraysor5108 4 месяца назад +26

      @@QWERTYCommanderthat’s entirely what it is. his previous behavior shows a complete lack of empathy towards the average person. The only reason why he even chose the TCAP stuff was so he had an extremely easy target for his “pranks”.
      because guaranteed if anyone were to say that what he’s doing was wrong, him and his fans would counter with “are you defending pedophilia?” which is just a mask he can use to continue doing psychosexual shit.

  • @wdsyalyn
    @wdsyalyn 4 месяца назад +1290

    Ego death doesnt make you beat random women on the street. If anything it functions more like alcohol. Supressing your societal inhibitions. I have done a lot of psychedelics and I've never assaulted anyone in any state, ego death or not. This asshole had that inside him already.

    • @yunggoosbumps215
      @yunggoosbumps215 4 месяца назад +74

      I agree. Never ever had a single violent thought while trying to make sense of the ego death experience. If anything, I would curl up under a blanket to try and escape whatever I am scared of. That being said, ego death will not help everyone. It seems like narcissists fight any change that it could do to their egos.

    • @sifins1579
      @sifins1579 4 месяца назад +45

      I get what your going for, but that’s a bad comparison for it, alcohol is known to make some people violent

    • @BismuthKaiju
      @BismuthKaiju 4 месяца назад +37

      This. I have taken most drugs under the sun, none of them have ever made me violent or angry. Drugs will amplify what you bring into it, which is why I waited till I was older to try them. People who blame hurting others on being drunk/high, are just letting others know that that part of them is usually suppressed.

    • @notlurking2128
      @notlurking2128 4 месяца назад +61

      ​@@sifins1579imo the comparison works. If you have alcohol and you are violent or have violent tendencies, it brings that out of you by lowering inhibitions. But if you aren't violent, drinking won't make you suddenly want to be violent. You have to have that in you already for it to make you be violent.
      Also I want to add nuance here by saying that having violent thoughts or feelings is not necessarily a bad thing, or makes someone inherently a bad person. Violent thoughts are often symptoms of uncontrollable mental illnesses like PTSD or OCD. But if you know that's in you, and you know drugs or alcohol will bring it out of you, then it's your responsibility to make sure that that never happens. Ultimately we can only judge other people based on what they do, and what this guy did is reprehensible and dangerous.

    • @JoshDennyAltAccount
      @JoshDennyAltAccount 4 месяца назад

      I mean to be fair he did take 60 g of mushrooms which is absolutely insane. I’ve done plenty of drugs and alcohol and have never gotten violent but I have no idea how I’d be on 60 g of mushrooms (which is why I’d never do it not justifying his actions just saying that’s a ridiculous amount of psychedelics to take)

  • @dyrr836
    @dyrr836 4 месяца назад +491

    Dude had SNEAKO on a predator catching stream? The dude that argued against the age of consent?

    • @cosmictraveler1146
      @cosmictraveler1146 4 месяца назад +60

      And a fan of Cuties??

    • @dpart3106
      @dpart3106 4 месяца назад +34

      I think the script writers got the roles wrong

  • @Vict0reeaH
    @Vict0reeaH 4 месяца назад +1108

    This man is not a prankster he's a criminal. We as a society gotta stop making wrong people viral

    • @mppi
      @mppi 4 месяца назад +32

      i think the main blame falls with RUclips for financially enabling these dangerous people

    • @Vict0reeaH
      @Vict0reeaH 4 месяца назад +6

      @mppi also true

    • @bostonsandatot4948
      @bostonsandatot4948 4 месяца назад +11

      I'd guess that most of the audience for this shit are minors just looking for silly/outlandish/crazy videos and YT recommendations leads them there.

    • @JoyNova
      @JoyNova 4 месяца назад +13

      The real issue is that children and young teens are the primary audience for this content, often watching and replaying it repeatedly. This is why I fully support finding ways to limit internet access for those under 18.

    • @auracruz6211
      @auracruz6211 4 месяца назад +3

      I agree 100%. A born Unstable Narcissist. 😱

  • @waterwomaninFL
    @waterwomaninFL 4 месяца назад +4442

    It’s a skydiving incident that prompts his sobriety and NOT beating the hell out of an unsuspecting woman while blasted??? What a NARCISSIST!

    • @chugchug72
      @chugchug72 4 месяца назад +349

      Sometimes, before I start watching videos, I like to scroll just to see what people are saying in the comment section. I saw this comment and audibly said, "....What....?"
      The fact that he can get high, fall into a rage, wake up covered in blood, have someone explain, "You beat the fuck out of a woman," and not immediately attempt to get sober after realizing what he did is shocking to me.

    • @brandondavis9490
      @brandondavis9490 4 месяца назад +199

      Nor seeing his dad beat up his mom then continues to do the same thing towards a women

    • @hunterishairy
      @hunterishairy 4 месяца назад +46

      @@brandondavis9490That’s what I’m saying. Like wtf…

    • @SleepySloth2705
      @SleepySloth2705 4 месяца назад +55

      ​@brandondavis9490 domestic violence isn't even illegal in Russia unless it ends in murder

    • @brandondavis9490
      @brandondavis9490 4 месяца назад +1

      @@SleepySloth2705 but were they in Russia?? No dip shit they were in Florida if you’d actually watch and listen to the video

  • @bug_meat
    @bug_meat 4 месяца назад +866

    The shaving of heads and walking them around on a leash and making them drink his piss, and the emphasis on humiliation in general are all things that are sexually charged, it’s disingenuous to pretend otherwise, and there’s no way this hasn’t crossed his mind considering his experience working in the porn industry. And like, sorry, but nobody should get to commit sexually charged violence on anybody else! And he’s just fully empowered to make a living off of it. Scares me to think what he’s comfortable with when the cameras aren’t rolling.

    • @plainezaine5065
      @plainezaine5065 4 месяца назад +99

      Yes. The use of "good boy" also illustrates this very well.

    • @Saurdeloth
      @Saurdeloth 4 месяца назад +113

      How this guy is able to stream himself sexually assaulting people and not already be in jail is an indictment of our justice system. Because these “punishments” are absolutely sexual, there’s an undercurrent of sexual deviancy through his entire story, and this is all clearly an act to deflect attention from it.

    • @matrixiekitty2127
      @matrixiekitty2127 4 месяца назад +60

      Yeah, I’ll take “Thinly veiled kink content” for 300. I really fear to see the age range of the audience he’s shlocking this to😭

    • @meaverly
      @meaverly 4 месяца назад +35

      it’s nauseating to do this to non-consenting people. but that’s obviously part of it, too. just listening to the last part of this video made me feel sick.

    • @zinniebug7555
      @zinniebug7555 4 месяца назад +19

      No, I was thinking exactly this! I was wondering if it was going to get explicitly addressed in the video, but i guess not. The entire situation is wretched, but I fear this documented demonstration of a cruel person using aspects of the kink community to abuse people in public only leads credence to the earlier accusations of assault.

  • @rikkTV
    @rikkTV 4 месяца назад +1110

    For anyone that knows how difficult it is to become a US citizen, the fact that this guy managed to get citizenship and somehow maintain it after all this is insane. Normal stable well meaning people can't get a green card to save their lives, yet this psycho is roaming around with full citizenship.

    • @murrtdurrt
      @murrtdurrt 4 месяца назад +29

      Could it be easier for him since he's been in the US since he was 14? I'm not American so I am not very familiar with how things work over there.

    • @Acr6gAttt-mq2hr
      @Acr6gAttt-mq2hr 4 месяца назад

      ​​@@murrtdurrtIt's 100% because he's white. Republicans are trying to deport South American children who were born here

    • @VultureSkins
      @VultureSkins 4 месяца назад +93

      @@murrtdurrt not really. Even people who were brought into the U.S. when they were children and have been here for 10+ years, if their parent/guardian didn’t follow procedure, are as at risk for detention and deportation as someone who crossed last week as an adult

    • @matrixiekitty2127
      @matrixiekitty2127 4 месяца назад +68

      Am this mf has the audacity to humiliate Mexican immigrants who are probably struggling to get their documentation so they can care for their families. Such a sick!

    • @bogeymanbear
      @bogeymanbear 4 месяца назад

      Its cause hes white

  • @hungryluma27
    @hungryluma27 4 месяца назад +871

    He WASNT convicted for the beating of that woman?! But… he did it. Several people watched him do it and her face was mangled. I don’t even want to know how he got off from that…

    • @ripleyjlawman.3162
      @ripleyjlawman.3162 4 месяца назад +95

      Money… that’s how he got away with it.

    • @thebusinesswoman23
      @thebusinesswoman23 4 месяца назад +122

      Before my own legal battle, I wouldn't have believed that money can make such a crime go away... BUT IT CAN , AND IT HAPPENS DAILY IN THE "JUSTICE" SYSTEM.

    • @dendrien
      @dendrien 4 месяца назад +6

      did you even watch the video? they settled outside court him and the victime. if theres anyone at fault of why he isnt in jail, it is the victime who said yes for a disclosed amount of money outside court.

    • @TheNeishaHarris
      @TheNeishaHarris 4 месяца назад +159

      ​@dendrien blaming the victim for not wanting to relive what was probably the most traumatizing thing that ever happened to them and settling outside of court is actually crazy. Like seek help.

    • @ClownWorld69420
      @ClownWorld69420 4 месяца назад +1

      he was convicted. he actually gave her millions of $ sold every asset to the point he was living in a car. and he still faces backlash for it to this day. and its only because hes successfull again, if he wasnt wed never even think of him.

  • @jysprk7395
    @jysprk7395 4 месяца назад +374

    Anyone who violently beats a defenseless person that bad does not deserve to see the light of day ever again.

    • @theanonymouschicken169
      @theanonymouschicken169 4 месяца назад +5

      Add hypocrite to the charges too. Claims his dad was domestically abusing his mother emotionally affected him, then beats up a female jogger.

    • @marv705
      @marv705 4 месяца назад

      Damn. Better be a sait yourself bud

    • @jysprk7395
      @jysprk7395 4 месяца назад

      @@marv705 what??? I don’t need to be a saint to say that beating a defenseless woman just trying to get home while you’re fucking off your mind on drugs is probably one of the worst things a human being can do. She is forever changed by that awful moment for the rest of her life. Stop defending violence weirdo

    • @Deminese2
      @Deminese2 4 месяца назад +7

      @@marv705 It doesnt take a saint to not beat a defenseless women to near death wtf dude. Self reporting.

    • @droomzy
      @droomzy 4 месяца назад +1

      Meh, maybe something nearing 20 years depending on how brutal the assault is; since he beat her to a bloody pulp with no warning or provocation but he was incredibly intoxicated, I'd say something like 8-14 years if he gets reform on the inside & assuming that he's not excessively violent when he's sober. I'm very into true crime so I want to dole out a fair sentence that doesn't seem excessive, but also accounts for the victim's suffering. Also he'd be on strict probation for 15 years after his release 👨🏾‍⚖️

  • @MystifyJW
    @MystifyJW 4 месяца назад +1750

    I still don’t get how he didn’t get convicted for beating Lily. Those photos were so disturbing.

    • @five_6_seven_8
      @five_6_seven_8 4 месяца назад +65

      I don’t get it either, how do you get away with that????

    • @zameion90
      @zameion90 4 месяца назад +88

      Have money

    • @EloTheCurious
      @EloTheCurious 4 месяца назад +261

      My guess is because she didn’t feel safe or that she could handle testifying in court in front of him, and face being questioned by his legal counsel. That’s often one of the hardest parts for a victim to try bringing forward charges is when they have to fight back all over again in court. It can be retraumatizing from many especially if they don’t get convicted.

    • @TheNotshauna
      @TheNotshauna 4 месяца назад +157

      @@EloTheCurious Yeah the legal system is fundamentally structured to allow people with wealth to harass any would be accusers. They are able to hire expensive legal council that will do everything within their power to humiliate and discredit you in front of a bunch of strangers while the entire process re-traumatizes you. Especially because most people who are victims of things like this just want to go back to life before the attack and move on as much as possible, so a lengthy legal case (especially in the middle of the pandemic) is very much a massive amount of pressure.
      There is a reason why almost all criminals in prison are due to property and drug related crimes, because there is no victim for the legal system to further brutalize.

    • @steel7670
      @steel7670 4 месяца назад +14

      @@TheNotshauna wait this is so fucked up. We are all really powerless to this too.

  • @Dodoorknob
    @Dodoorknob 4 месяца назад +345

    Speaking as someone who survived CSA, what Vitaly is doing doesn’t make me feel safer. Men like this don’t care about victims or the systemic causes of child abuse, they care about an acceptable target. He is an actual woman beater and is alleged to have assaulted someone, he does not care about victims because he is a victimizer. That’s why they aren’t partnering with any sort of victim advocacy group. More over they aren’t even cleaning up the streets, despite what social media tells them, predation online by strangers is literally the rarest from of abuse. Most abuse happens in families and communities or among peer groups (ie other children)

    • @pikachu1has1my1cooki
      @pikachu1has1my1cooki 4 месяца назад +49

      The "acceptable target" thing is something a lot of people need to get wise to. The culture as a whole lets cruel behavior slide as long as the victim is a bad person, but that only allows cruel people to excuse their actions. Punishment matters more than any actual help or justice, which is why he calls himself a hero despite only hurting people. He does this now because he knows that no one will shut him down, it is not out of any righteousness. If it were, he wouldnt have such a long past of assaults and hateful behavior behind him. Its because of people like him that ive become extremely wary of anyone who is this vitriolic about predators, because those people are reliably just cruel assholes who know their new punching bag cant tell them to stop.

    • @albertwesker4729
      @albertwesker4729 4 месяца назад +26

      @@pikachu1has1my1cooki and if you called it out, everyone calls you a pedo

    • @bfgfanatic1747
      @bfgfanatic1747 4 месяца назад

      Considering how sexually charged his methods are, it really seems like he's using the "pedo hunter" schtick as a way to live out his own dark fantasies. I'm pretty sure that standard procedure for dealing with a predator doesn't involve *putting them on a leash and forcing them to drink piss*. If he did this to anyone else he'd be rightfully attacked for being a sexually disturbed maniac.

    • @pugachevskobra5636
      @pugachevskobra5636 4 месяца назад +13

      I recently read somewhere that these kind of sting/social media operations are far more likely to create a market for CP/CSA content than saving victims or bringing predators to justice. Most CSA victim advocacy groups are opposed to this kinda shit and it's not hard to see why. Not only is he letting potential abusers back out on the streets to do the same shit again but his actions could potentially derail a lawful conviction.

    • @stickysocks6369
      @stickysocks6369 4 месяца назад

      ​@@albertwesker4729which is fucking insane when you realise how many ppl doing predator hunting bullshit for attention actually just hurt children themselves.

  • @elf._.3825
    @elf._.3825 4 месяца назад +321

    Dude, I was like "another jaubrey video already? Awesome! I wonder what new terrible corner of the internet I'm gonna learn about" but ITS KICK ITS ALWAYS KICK

    • @JustSomeoneRandom1324
      @JustSomeoneRandom1324 4 месяца назад

      This, so much of this, all degenerate roads lead back to kick man

  • @tjblackmore7863
    @tjblackmore7863 4 месяца назад +787

    It's shocking how many times this guy can screw up his entire life, burn it all to the ground, and still reinvent himself doing something equally stupid and offensive. He's arguably more successful now than he's ever been.

    • @endpieceofbread
      @endpieceofbread 4 месяца назад +31

      He definetly is the most relevant out of the original prank era RUclipsrs (Sam pepper, fouseytube, Roman atwood etc..)

    • @Viroh
      @Viroh 4 месяца назад +15

      Says a lot about society

    • @sadmermaid
      @sadmermaid 4 месяца назад +2

      I'm almost impressed a little.

    • @chocolatechip4777
      @chocolatechip4777 4 месяца назад

      It hurts me to say this, but he is successful

    • @verstappen9937
      @verstappen9937 4 месяца назад +16

      What I don’t understand is how he still is a US citizen with so many felonies???

  • @SteamGrace
    @SteamGrace 4 месяца назад +109

    "I'm glad I didn't perform well, because if I did, I would've been a p*rn star until today. That's not what I wanted to do, I wanted to be a movie star, not a p*rn star."
    Vitaly, who is still not a movie star.

  • @yianna147
    @yianna147 4 месяца назад +216

    I don't believe the SD card story for a second

    • @hospitable_ghost
      @hospitable_ghost 4 месяца назад

      Seriously. I have a bridge to sell anyone who believes that absolute bullshit.

    • @SaiyanSerenityV
      @SaiyanSerenityV 4 месяца назад +29

      Yeah I had to pause and be like "I don't think your colon can do that, actually..."

    • @liyahliyah694
      @liyahliyah694 4 месяца назад +4

      Neither do I it’s screams bullshit

    • @FigmentForever
      @FigmentForever 4 месяца назад +3

      More like Russkashit.

  • @TheJimbonator93
    @TheJimbonator93 4 месяца назад +101

    "Polygraph examiner" imagine being in a room full of Kick streamers but somehow you have the fakest job there.

  • @demjjin
    @demjjin 4 месяца назад +433

    these types of evil, fame-hungry men are always disgusting but this guy is truly horrific. that poor woman... :(

    • @Viroh
      @Viroh 4 месяца назад +2

      But fame-hungry women good

    • @ook4698
      @ook4698 4 месяца назад +72

      @@Viroh 0/10 rage bait

    • @unholyscreeches8766
      @unholyscreeches8766 4 месяца назад +46

      @@Viroh heres the attention you clearly need so badly

    • @Viroh
      @Viroh 4 месяца назад

      thx! now I have enough clout to message and massage ur mom! =)

    • @Viroh
      @Viroh 4 месяца назад +4

      @@ook4698 I just pointed out his sexism and you got mad about it kid lmaooo

  • @k.cfrancis1123
    @k.cfrancis1123 4 месяца назад +155

    I'm theorizing off of vibes right now, but this dude is going to have multiple lawsuits about sexual violence someday. I just feel it. The first portion of this almost felt like watching a true crime video that deep dives into the history of perpetrators, and then you started talking about the things he has already done and I was like, well fuck, this guy is obviously a repeat offender when it comes to violence against women. It's in the way he doesn't even emote when talking about the harm he has caused in his life, too.
    I also think it's a pretty useful tactic to make a career out of pointing the finger at people he deems to be "worse" (i.e. pedos), because when shit eventually comes out about him, he can argue that he's always been a good but troubled guy who has been trying to "clean up the streets."

    • @justtryandtouchme
      @justtryandtouchme 4 месяца назад +1

      Yeah he really gives apathetic, unempathetic, self obsessed vibes. He seems also traumatized by gendered violence he witnessed in childhood, which I feel like can sometimes go the opposite way to what one would hope it instills. IDK. He's a menace already, not a big stretch I guess. I detest the meaningless, abhorrent scum sites like Kik platform...

    • @logosfocus
      @logosfocus 4 месяца назад +10

      I concur

    • @acat4215
      @acat4215 4 месяца назад +11

      I don't doubt it, I mean he makes these alleged predators drink his piss, walks them on a leash, calls them 'good boys' when they follow what he says. This guy gets off from humiliating others, staged or not.
      If he does get charged with sexual violence or even physical violence again, I won't be surprised.

  • @DittoAPokemon
    @DittoAPokemon 4 месяца назад +73

    The predator streams aren’t about catching predators, it’s a way for him to torture other human beings without getting in trouble. Because everyone is OK with it because their child predators. They should be in jail, but so should he. This is just a way for him to act out his psychopathic behavior on other people

  • @dajuiceman8870
    @dajuiceman8870 4 месяца назад +187

    It’s always hilarious to me how most creators who make these “predator-catching” videos (Vitaly, Charleston White, Adin Ross) are abusers / groomers themselves.

    • @pochiche6398
      @pochiche6398 4 месяца назад +6

      or tesak as well

    • @levstepanov2892
      @levstepanov2892 4 месяца назад

      The OG predator catching psycho.​@@pochiche6398

    • @marv705
      @marv705 4 месяца назад

      Koolaide man is your profile picture. Your opinion is pointless

    • @giorgiofenu5563
      @giorgiofenu5563 4 месяца назад +10

      ​@@marv705vitaly drop the alt account, you're replying to almost every comment

    • @dajuiceman8870
      @dajuiceman8870 4 месяца назад +3

      @ your mother.

  • @sandhanitizer15
    @sandhanitizer15 4 месяца назад +240

    I love how Vitaly's picture in the thumbnail doesn't even need to be edited to make him look cuckoo. He's scary enough.

    • @boogz07
      @boogz07 4 месяца назад +3

      is literally edited mate

    • @themischief420
      @themischief420 4 месяца назад +4

      like we understand what you mean but it very much is edited

    • @casperccino
      @casperccino 4 месяца назад +1

      pretty sure it is but it’s hilarious that it’s plausible in the first place

  • @pricklycatsss
    @pricklycatsss 4 месяца назад +185

    I refuse to believe he took 60g of mushrooms. You wouldn’t even be able to see a foot in front of you because you would be blinded by visuals and projectile vomiting from the nausea. There’s no way you would have the energy to go out and attack some random person, let alone get up off a couch/bed lol. I just don’t believe it.

    • @bigbananabill
      @bigbananabill 4 месяца назад +26

      do you know what else starts with M?

    • @cosmictraveler1146
      @cosmictraveler1146 4 месяца назад +3

      @@bigbananabillor Coke lmao

    • @meanberryy
      @meanberryy 4 месяца назад +7

      Mushroom tolerans doubles of you take them back to back every day.
      Tripping every day for a long period would also explain the reaction.

    • @mimi-fm7hz
      @mimi-fm7hz 4 месяца назад +1

      ⁠@@meanberryyI’ve personally never attempted to take 🍄back to back but I always heard they have virtually no effect if you do it so like I don’t think this explanation makes a lot of sense either

    • @meanberryy
      @meanberryy 4 месяца назад +5

      @@mimi-fm7hz the reason they don't habe effect is becouse of the absurd tolerance build up.
      Like I said you need to double it every time. But effect can still be achieved.

    @DIABETOR 4 месяца назад +324

    49:30 to be accused of being a bullshitter by *THE POLYGRAPH COMMUNITY* is basically the ultimate sign of having poor character

    • @TronBonneVonne
      @TronBonneVonne 4 месяца назад +1

      Polygraphs are pseudo-scientific nonsense. They don't work.

    • @xBINARYGODx
      @xBINARYGODx 4 месяца назад +1

      but only because polygraphs are mostly bullshit anyway, so I only think its worse, because the bullshitters are going him out as particularly full of it

      @DIABETOR 4 месяца назад

      @ yes that was the point

  • @lovelylola28
    @lovelylola28 4 месяца назад +72

    The pedophile stuff feels like fetish content honestly

    • @Alexwantsattention
      @Alexwantsattention 4 месяца назад +11

      No one will ever be able to convince me that it isn't. I'll die on that hill

  • @honeybie170
    @honeybie170 4 месяца назад +300

    I don't buy that those "Catching Predators" streams are real. They all just feel so staged. And even if they are real to some extent, none of it is even remotely handled well. I doubt his streams would even be admissible evidence, so they literally do nothing. He's just torturing people before they even have the opportunity to be put on trial. You'll rarely see me agree with xQc, but I agree with him here. It's reckless vigilantism that does more harm than good. It's cruel and unusual punishment.
    He should've been imprisoned for brutally assaulting someone, and it's insane to hear that he wasn't. And I just find it incredibly difficult to believe someone who so viciously attacked a random passerby, then played the incident off as something that mostly ruined HIS life, would actually care about catching predators and seeking justice. He does it for content and only for content.

    • @plantain.1739
      @plantain.1739 4 месяца назад +2

      The first guy looks like he's just getting through it for a paycheck. If you were literally getting dog walked in public for being a pedophile, you'd have more emotion on your face then mild bemusement.

    • @themischief420
      @themischief420 4 месяца назад +5

      honestly yeah there is a channel of two RUclipsrs who do that pretty often and it's exactly as you say. all staged and none handled well

    • @meanberryy
      @meanberryy 4 месяца назад

      Who would agree to play the Predator though?
      Being brodcasted as a 3pdeo

    • @themischief420
      @themischief420 4 месяца назад +20

      @@meanberryy ✨money✨
      they also might not know who the streamers are or how big their audience is

    • @Bkthaonly
      @Bkthaonly 4 месяца назад +1

      @@themischief420I get that money is a factor but at the expense of their dignity and livelihoods? They can probably never find a job again if their employer sees the vid

  • @Christofly
    @Christofly 4 месяца назад +303

    I feel so bad for the guy at 29:55 he seems so kind and uncomfortable and it’s so upsetting that he was filmed against his knowledge and threatened sexual assault for wearing a pink shirt. What a sick freak.

    • @Elaineidfk
      @Elaineidfk 4 месяца назад +57

      Ikr poor guy didn't deserve that at all, I hope he was able to wear that shirt/pink again after that :(

    • @boogz07
      @boogz07 4 месяца назад

      @@Elaineidfkjesus christ acting like wearing pink is gonna have some sort of long lasting effect on him. fucking nerds

    • @kuhlitz
      @kuhlitz 4 месяца назад +8

      @@Elaineidfkfr it was a nice shirt and fit well

    • @FigmentForever
      @FigmentForever 4 месяца назад +34

      His name is Enrique. He was active with local animal rescue charity here in Miami for awhile & haven’t seen much of him since that video was going around. I really hope he’s doing okay now, since he was getting tons of online hate being harassed not long after that clip. The brainless & homophobic Vitaly fans cyberstalked him for simply not being “receptive” to a man-child’s need for constant validation & attention.

    • @Christofly
      @Christofly 4 месяца назад +12

      @@FigmentForever wtf!!! Poor Enrique… Hope he’s doing alright… he seems like such a gentle soul. Did not deserve any of the attention he got because of that assholes harassment and carelessness. Makes me so mad.

  • @sirturtle4681
    @sirturtle4681 4 месяца назад +116

    60 grams holy fuck, 3.5 grams is an 8rh and an extremely large dose for heavy mushroom users is a quarter or 7 grams. 60 is almost 10 times that and frankly probably just a lie. He probably ate about a half ounce or double a large dose. Even still that is crazy.
    Edit after watching next few minutes and seeing the story, he was just on meth. No mushrooms at all he was smoking meth prior to this interaction. Trust me.

    • @princesstuesday5287
      @princesstuesday5287 4 месяца назад +32

      yeah I think you’re right, I’ve had some bad trips but never became violent, just sick and scared in my apartment lol. I think he’s back on the hard drugs now too, if his constant jaw movements and manic behavior in his recent streams are any indication

    • @manderly33
      @manderly33 4 месяца назад +1

      That sounds right to me.

    • @Acr6gAttt-mq2hr
      @Acr6gAttt-mq2hr 4 месяца назад +3

      He said that's how much he took. We definitely we can't trust his word

    • @Sedna_B
      @Sedna_B 4 месяца назад +6

      60 would probably come out straight away, in an hour or so. Projectile vomiting etc. It was either meth or 3 other drugs at once.

  • @GantaaOhime
    @GantaaOhime 4 месяца назад +67

    "People I thought were friends, were not my friends" is a weird way of describing people who did not want to assosiate with a woman beating nutjob

  • @yellobb3848
    @yellobb3848 4 месяца назад +66

    Good god dude. The predator hunting bit is literally just torture. The justice system can’t legally torture people because it’s cruel and unusual, but I guess Kick streamers are above the law. They think they’re god kings

    • @ze_doodles
      @ze_doodles 4 месяца назад +17

      Those displays literally made me sick. I was gagging at the making the one guy drink his piss. I understand these people are supposed predators, but I don't know if I fully trust this team to be thorough with their "investigations". I'm against pedos, like everyone, shouldn't have to be stated but ya know... anyway this man is vile. It was a struggle to finish this video as it made me physically ill.

    • @themischief420
      @themischief420 4 месяца назад +7

      is it just me or are most (if not all) "predators" shown in his streams on this video not white??

  • @bmcminn8838
    @bmcminn8838 4 месяца назад +70

    It's insane that he is still around after what he did to that poor woman

    • @larp1075
      @larp1075 3 месяца назад

      It's because he's white. Also, is he 32? he looks more like mid-40s

  • @kelsiemelsie
    @kelsiemelsie 4 месяца назад +139

    Oh thank god. I was worried I’d have to clean my kitchen in silence

    • @handuo6301
      @handuo6301 4 месяца назад +9

      so I’m not the only one who cleans to discourse videos 😂

    • @Alexandeer-p1o
      @Alexandeer-p1o 4 месяца назад


    • @ratboygirl
      @ratboygirl 4 месяца назад


  • @PeggyKoneko
    @PeggyKoneko 4 месяца назад +114

    I remember Black Twitter saying he should get shot back in his weirdo prank days. Can't tell you how disappointed I am to hear that his internet career didn't end there.

    • @Viroh
      @Viroh 4 месяца назад +2

      Okey too far lil bro chill out 😂

    • @ammonstyles5417
      @ammonstyles5417 4 месяца назад +13

      Right there with you @PeggyKoneko. I hate that "This racemongering, fearmongering, woman-beating, rapist who made millions off of all of his crimes and horrible behavior deserved to die long ago" is somehow a controversial statement. Makes it pretty clear why there's so many of these roaches when people think Raid is somehow inhumane?

    • @cosmictraveler1146
      @cosmictraveler1146 4 месяца назад +7

      @@Virohnah he’s a genuine cancer

    • @Viroh
      @Viroh 4 месяца назад

      @@cosmictraveler1146 so u just wish game end to people online? lol go outside u worms, vitaly ain't that bad

    • @ammonstyles5417
      @ammonstyles5417 4 месяца назад +7

      @@Viroh I'm talking about crushing roaches, what're you on about lol
      Also, since I'm a worm...Do you still love me🥺🥺🥺?

  • @katietree4949
    @katietree4949 4 месяца назад +40

    I still believe vitali should be in jail for a minimum of 10 years for his attack on that lady.

  • @fukeiclozer2614
    @fukeiclozer2614 4 месяца назад +21

    The fact that "Family man" Roman Atwood is still publically associating himself with Vitaly is VERY telling. Not that that's surprising or anything, but still. We probably need a video on him soon now that I think about it...

  • @Bell_Jingle
    @Bell_Jingle 4 месяца назад +71

    I think Jaubrey will always have this uncanny ability to make these hour+ long videos that so many of us watch, yet have no clue who he's talking about (p.s I normally listen to these, so watching one the other day and actually seeing what Jaubrey looks like was a fun experience, good lookin' dude)

  • @TheDoctorSlug
    @TheDoctorSlug 4 месяца назад +38

    "People that I thought were my friends, weren't my friends."
    Ummm... he brutally attacked a random woman. Huh?

  • @joshdyer3270
    @joshdyer3270 4 месяца назад +16

    Dude just found a way to be a sociopath without getting into a lot of trouble.

  • @AndImsomelady
    @AndImsomelady 4 месяца назад +90

    I hate these unprofessional predator hunters. They are just being predators themselves and they just found a target no one cares about. To retain viewers they are just going to have to ramp up the stakes more and more. Pun intended.

    • @RegardedBee185
      @RegardedBee185 22 дня назад

      Looks like we found a ped0 here (you)

  • @plainezaine5065
    @plainezaine5065 4 месяца назад +21

    The fact he keeps saying "good boy" makes me think its not long before these "predator catching" videos end up on a different kind of site.

  • @poppinpineapples3481
    @poppinpineapples3481 4 месяца назад +12

    “People that I thought were my friends, weren’t my friends” yeah if any of my friends did some shit like that I’d never talk to them

  • @flabershlap101
    @flabershlap101 4 месяца назад +119

    new j aubrey AND inabber vids on this fine rainy sunday, how wonderful

    • @taothedumpsterfireartist9833
      @taothedumpsterfireartist9833 4 месяца назад +4

      YES!! I love them both so much

    • @ionia2376
      @ionia2376 4 месяца назад +3

      I've just come from Inabbers vid too 😊

    • @Young4eva121
      @Young4eva121 4 месяца назад

      @@taothedumpsterfireartist9833Right! They should collab!

    • @SnepperStepTV
      @SnepperStepTV 4 месяца назад +1

      and letsgameitout yesterday!

    • @Sleezy.Design
      @Sleezy.Design 4 месяца назад +15

      Inabber is cringe but I understand it if you're a child

  • @crestren5996
    @crestren5996 4 месяца назад +42

    Why did I have a feeling Kick would somehow be involved in all of this? Theyre like a recurring villain at this point

    • @SemicolonExpected
      @SemicolonExpected 4 месяца назад

      tbf jaubrey seems to be on a kick kick

    • @1porter
      @1porter 4 месяца назад

      ​@@SemicolonExpectedeasy content for him

  • @yellobb3848
    @yellobb3848 4 месяца назад +53

    I feel genuinely sick over the zombie bit. I’d never heard of the real attack and looking into it was horrifying and tragic. I can’t imagine how little empathy you have to have to look at that situation and decide to further traumatize an already traumatized community.

    • @ze_doodles
      @ze_doodles 4 месяца назад +1

      Right, I've heard a LOT of stuff on the internet true crime and otherwise.. and that just turned my stomach and made me tear up.

    • @bigbananabill
      @bigbananabill 4 месяца назад +3

      he is protected by the lahd above, clearly.
      the fact he wasn't even punished at all for that horrific incident is proof.

  • @theDane70
    @theDane70 4 месяца назад +80

    And that’s not how mushrooms work, you don’t feel the need to attack

    • @FlightX101
      @FlightX101 4 месяца назад +17

      Agreed. You are too busy fighting demons in your head to focus on anyone else lol

    • @themischief420
      @themischief420 4 месяца назад +12

      i mean. hallucinogens can cause psychosis

    • @hospitable_ghost
      @hospitable_ghost 4 месяца назад

      @@themischief420Absolutely, but the dose he claims to have taken is absolutely not realistic (as in way too large for even frequent users), so he's already definitley lying about at least that. He's a psycho and a woman beater with or without the shroom use.

    • @Frizzleman
      @Frizzleman 4 месяца назад +2

      Idk 60g would have you out of your damn mind I’m no expert but I’ve taken mushrooms and I would be beyond terrified to even take 6g

    • @ChaosGaming54
      @ChaosGaming54 4 месяца назад

      @@themischief420correction, they can trigger the mental illness already in your head not cause it unless you’re doing heroic doses of dmt 💀

  • @southwestxnorthwest
    @southwestxnorthwest 4 месяца назад +135

    Everything Vitaly did to the predators is illegal. It's classified as blackmail and it's highly illegal

    • @TimeEnthusiast
      @TimeEnthusiast 4 месяца назад +1

      If it was, he wouldn’t be having a 2nd season.

    • @carlwinslo
      @carlwinslo 4 месяца назад +1

      Beyond blackmail. He straight up assaults people. Just because they are a pedo doesn't mean you are allowed to assault them. Luckily it's all fake and people are just shameless pieces of trash now that will do anything for clout. Including playing the role of a pedophile.

    • @themischief420
      @themischief420 4 месяца назад +46

      ​@@TimeEnthusiastbruh it's still illegal

    • @manderly33
      @manderly33 4 месяца назад +38

      @@TimeEnthusiast LOL illegal things happen on Kick all the time.

    • @staive58
      @staive58 4 месяца назад +27

      It's the sole reason he knows he can never call the police. Additionally, probably how he catches them is probably considered entrapment. These people do need locking up, and as soon as there is any evidence, he should be reporting it to the police, but then where would he get his video content to make ad money from?

  • @halipeno7137
    @halipeno7137 4 месяца назад +112

    "Thank you j aubrey", we all say in unison

    • @LJXrot
      @LJXrot 4 месяца назад


    • @ph4y33
      @ph4y33 4 месяца назад +1

      Thank you J Aubrey! 💕

    • @Joe90h
      @Joe90h 4 месяца назад +1

      Sorry, I was about a second behind and it sounded bad, can we do it over?

  • @passengershaming
    @passengershaming 4 месяца назад +95


  • @littlebitaver
    @littlebitaver 4 месяца назад +19

    He literally beat the living snot out of a poor woman who was just going about her daily life, then his reaction is "why is this happening to meeee?" 🎻🎻
    Dude, you did it - let's call a spade a spade.

  • @ChrisStiles-bm2po
    @ChrisStiles-bm2po 4 месяца назад +31

    Oh my god that polygraph guy is the one from Nathan For You lmao. He did the polygraph where Nathan lied saying he’d never watched porn.

    • @bigbananabill
      @bigbananabill 4 месяца назад +4

      nathan is such a good businessman.
      i'd ask him to help me revitalize my startup any day

  • @casey5683
    @casey5683 4 месяца назад +57

    I do not know who this man is but he should absolutely have been locked up for attacking that poor innocent woman.

  • @kaialexander6806
    @kaialexander6806 4 месяца назад +33

    Considering the tendency of homophobes and transphobes to synonymise queer people with predators, forgive me for being skeptical about his whole catching predators shtick.
    Like the guy is there praising Trump, disowning Quavo for speaking at a Kamala Harris rally and hanging out with the MAGA crowd who literally see all trans people as groomers, I do not trust his judgement as to what a predator is.

    • @willywonka7812
      @willywonka7812 4 месяца назад

      He likes Trump, so he is pro-predator

  • @Angryoyster
    @Angryoyster 4 месяца назад +8

    14:46 it’s always amazing to me how many channels there are that are so infamous, and I have literally never heard of them.

  • @ghostoyster
    @ghostoyster 4 месяца назад +62

    how was he not convicted for beating a woman with that many witnesses????

    • @benshaw7660
      @benshaw7660 4 месяца назад

      Th3y settled out of court

    • @benshaw7660
      @benshaw7660 4 месяца назад

      They settled out of court

    • @manderly33
      @manderly33 4 месяца назад +11

      @@benshaw7660 No. Incorrect. They settled the civil case out of court. He took pretrial diversion in the criminal case.

  • @ScottCCooper
    @ScottCCooper 4 месяца назад +36

    If there is any justice in this world, someone will treat vitaly like he did Lilly

    • @666kittycat666
      @666kittycat666 4 месяца назад +6

      His dad is way ahead of you. That’s probably how he got like that

    • @liyahliyah694
      @liyahliyah694 4 месяца назад

      @@666kittycat666damn, I did not think about it like this

  • @mortboi
    @mortboi 4 месяца назад +86


  • @willspark3242
    @willspark3242 4 месяца назад +20

    A lot of ppl are super desperate, you get anyone to do something real extreme for the littlest of cash on places like craigslist, and other underground sites.

  • @NivRel
    @NivRel 4 месяца назад +8

    the man isn't a predator hunter, he's a sociopath just waiting for a suitable context to treat people how he would eagerly treat evewryone

  • @waterdhavian_wizard
    @waterdhavian_wizard 4 месяца назад +19

    every time i hear kick, i take 20 psychic damage

  • @FayeHunter
    @FayeHunter 4 месяца назад +29

    Every time my withdrawals start from irl meds being clownshoes, you upload and make my (tomorrow morning) morning so much better because i know it could be so much fuckin' worse for me

    • @KayGreylai
      @KayGreylai 4 месяца назад +5

      Sorry to hear about your withdrawals man. Hope you get better meds soon. Been through it myself with prescription meds being shithouse. Hope it gets better for you soon mate.

    • @SaiyanSerenityV
      @SaiyanSerenityV 4 месяца назад +1

      It's been rough out here lately, hang in there bro

    • @FayeHunter
      @FayeHunter 4 месяца назад

      @@KayGreylai Thank you ⚓

    • @FayeHunter
      @FayeHunter 4 месяца назад

      @@SaiyanSerenityV Thank you ⚓

  • @spottypongo7591
    @spottypongo7591 4 месяца назад +40

    I know I'm terminally online when I'm on time to a jaubrey video without a notification

  • @pivotresearchfoundation
    @pivotresearchfoundation 4 месяца назад +46

    Let's go! Waiting on the Cody Ko drop.

  • @corielmajor3188
    @corielmajor3188 4 месяца назад +21

    2 j Aubrey videos in the same month you bout to make me cry

  • @ceeitrus
    @ceeitrus 4 месяца назад +18

    This era of “prank” RUclips where the gag was to just publicly embarrass and humiliate poc and harass women was absolute hell

  • @tiatia8236
    @tiatia8236 4 месяца назад +12

    Those eyes should not be the first thing my bleary eyes saw when opening this god forsaken app. What a jumpscare

  • @gordyhowitzer
    @gordyhowitzer 4 месяца назад +20

    30:10 "This isn't a plausible conversation" - never has someone not known what was going on and exactly what was going on so hard at the same time

    • @ze_doodles
      @ze_doodles 4 месяца назад +4

      Right, they were like this can't possibly be real... so baffled that THAT is what came out of their mouth... I mean fr insane.

  • @loganfowler491
    @loganfowler491 4 месяца назад +17

    Always ready to pop a bag of popcorn and enjoy another banger from Jaubrey

  • @mellowthieves
    @mellowthieves 4 месяца назад +16

    Is that evil Coffeezilla????? 6:46

  • @SoftChroma
    @SoftChroma 4 месяца назад +43

    Wow, this guy is an absolute psychopath.

  • @SpookyGoober
    @SpookyGoober 4 месяца назад +8

    New J AUBREY VIDEO just dropped!!!! I am always amazed with your analysis and editing. Also I learn about current events as well!

  • @skysiren4113
    @skysiren4113 4 месяца назад +14

    Real or not there's something just so incredibly slimy about exploiting something that has effected lives and people like CSA and turning it into one big joke and a way to stroke your ego all the while letting these potential predators just walk away after you publicly humiliate them. I definitely have a feeling that Vitaly is only doing this because he enjoys humiliating and having power over people, he doesn't give 2 shits about those who have been victims of this type of stuff. Like it's genuinely kinda scary how comfortable he feels about doing stuff like this on camera, again staged or not, he's willingly publicly humiliate these people and seems to enjoy it
    I know this isn't really shocking coming from the same guy who has taken NO responsibility for beating an innocent woman while on drugs all the while making it out like he was the victim, but it's insane to me that Vitaly has face zero consequences for either the assault or the other crimes he's done on camera

  • @dylanintefilin
    @dylanintefilin 4 месяца назад +8

    highly recommend everyone watch skip intro's video on chris hansen, he goes into how this sort of "catch a predator" media trend is actually harmful to the movement to end child endangerment. it's really good and he interviews multiple experts on the psychological, legal, and criminal sides of it!

  • @xalidez
    @xalidez 4 месяца назад +11

    I have a vague memory of his prank videos especially the bomb one, but had no clue this would get this crazy💀

  • @minidusa
    @minidusa 4 месяца назад +5

    TIL that the infamous Miami bath salts face eating assault didn’t involve bath salts at all. Which somehow made the crime more insane

  • @cleanremarks
    @cleanremarks 4 месяца назад +9

    This is one of those videos where I know I WANT to watch it, but I have to figure out when I have the emotional bandwidth to deal with it lol

  • @RandomBreadSlice
    @RandomBreadSlice 4 месяца назад +14

    Why isnt this guy perma-locked up? WILD.

  • @BismuthKaiju
    @BismuthKaiju 4 месяца назад +76

    Wow, Vitaly is 2 years younger than me.. but looks 20 years older.. oh and acts 20 years younger..
    Edit: The fact that he survived that skydiving incident, is really good evidence that there is no god.

    • @kelseyw9342
      @kelseyw9342 4 месяца назад +3

      I was thinking the EXACT same thing about his age! I had to double check his age because I just didn't believe it.

    • @Rose13
      @Rose13 3 месяца назад +1

      I legit am the same age and I thought he was over a decade older than i

    • @larp1075
      @larp1075 3 месяца назад

      @@kelseyw9342 Its his russian genes - men there have a tendency to get ugly with age

  • @SnepperStepTV
    @SnepperStepTV 4 месяца назад +5

    i think this is the first one that i have legit 1000% just never heard of this guy even in passing or other commentary videos.

    • @SnepperStepTV
      @SnepperStepTV 4 месяца назад +1

      but what i will say is that guy is so very much modern culture. at least in 2016 they didn't know what they were doing yet and there was this "oh fuck" energy when you didn't know how far they'd take it. this guy is like a building that used to be cool but now that's been gentrified into an identical colorless "luxury" dump and suddenly all demand for it died because people wanted the flair and spice of the vintage and modernizing it takes everything away and leaves it as a shell of its former self and segmented into boring, uniform spaces you can find anywhere in any building. and probably less expensive lets be real since its like a passtime for capitalist ghouls to tack pointless zeros onto the pricetags of the stuff they ruin into slop in this idiot era.

  • @slothzzzowo
    @slothzzzowo 4 месяца назад +44

    Another day another J Aubrey video about someone I know NOTHING ABOUT 🎉🎉🎉

  • @HillaShx
    @HillaShx 4 месяца назад +17

    This man is a menace to society. It's pathetic how many people will excuse his behavior because they deem his victims worthy of his actions.

  • @mason1327
    @mason1327 4 месяца назад +4

    26:15 that is NOT what an ego death is 😭 that’s quite the opposite

  • @nyanbinary1717
    @nyanbinary1717 4 месяца назад +3

    I wanted to peel my skin off every time you showed a clip of his "pranks." My god.

  • @rebeccamcmanus4718
    @rebeccamcmanus4718 4 месяца назад +22

    Of course a washed up prank RUclipsr would feel right at home on Kick, that just makes too much sense.

  • @Deadpool3E
    @Deadpool3E 4 месяца назад +16

    Fun fact: Vitally is being sued by one of his catches.

  • @matrixiekitty2127
    @matrixiekitty2127 4 месяца назад +3

    Just hearing Kick mentioned about 2 mins in I knew this was gonna be a wild and infuriating watch. To watch him humiliate and harass people is just awful, and that’s not even addressing what he did to that poor woman!

  • @oleartur
    @oleartur 4 месяца назад +12

    Vitaly says "look guys what drugs and alcohol did to me😢,almost destroyed me. I'll jump on steroids now😅"

  • @tobicatlala
    @tobicatlala 4 месяца назад +5

    i cant believe he got away with beating someone to near death. his career should of ended there in prison

  • @jamiepender6667
    @jamiepender6667 3 месяца назад

    all of your videos are so well produced and edited. I love your style and delivery a lot. And you don't try to cram an hours worth of information into 20 minutes.

  • @bobincognito
    @bobincognito 4 месяца назад +8

    2:15 jumpscare of the millenia

    • @noodle1761
      @noodle1761 4 месяца назад +1

      I almost dropped my phone

  • @mrs-dickey
    @mrs-dickey 4 месяца назад +4

    i was just watching your videos when you uploaded this i love you jaubrey

  • @partyshrimps
    @partyshrimps 4 месяца назад +16

    I am going to be honest, I couldn't watch most of it. the behavior and what this guy thinks is broadcastable is revolting. how could anyone be entertained by his raw content without any commentary?

    • @ze_doodles
      @ze_doodles 4 месяца назад +6

      Right, it was a real struggle for me to get through. I felt SICK. Even at the parts with the predators, he'd call me a pedo sympathizer or whatever, but it's truly vile.
      I was actually physically gagging during some parts of the video.
      Which i don't trust his team to be thorough with their investigations of these "predators" so I don't even know if I believe them...

    • @meaverly
      @meaverly 4 месяца назад +1

      big same, it’s 11pm and i am absolutely taking another shower, just listening to it made me feel sullied. like too much exposure to someone so awful is gonna rub off

  • @meanberryy
    @meanberryy 4 месяца назад +4

    Even if a pink shirt would signal being gay, saying you have to be careful what to wear enforce the gaypredator stereotype.
    Like even if you do signal being gay it doesn't mean your open to any guy.

  • @plainezaine5065
    @plainezaine5065 4 месяца назад +4

    The Quavo take is so insensitive. His nephew literally died at the hands of senseless gun violence.

  • @Judgement_Kazzy
    @Judgement_Kazzy 4 месяца назад +2

    Vitaly's predator hunts are the embodiment of "You're not here to protect the kids, you're here to write Punisher fanfiction"

  • @MP-kx7kq
    @MP-kx7kq 4 месяца назад +13

    Thank God, I thought I was gonna have to watch my lectures